
Library Subscriptions
     Libraries should inquire via email to our production editor, Jane Brady, at or by writing
               Literature and Belief
               3184 JFSB
               Brigham Young University
               Provo, UT 84602

Individual Subscriptions
     Individuals wishing to subscribe to Literature and Belief can do so one of three ways:

By Email
     Email our production editor, Jane Brady, at  Jane will be pleased to email
     you back and arrange for you to subscribe to the journal.

By Phone
     Call the Literature and Belief business office at (801) 422-3073. If you get our voicemail, please
     leave your name and phone number, and we will return your call.

By Mail
     Send a letter including your name, your address, and an indication of the length of the desired
     subscription, along with a check payable to Literature and Belief, to
               Literature and Belief
               3184 JFSB
               Brigham Young University
               Provo, UT 84602

     As soon as we receive your letter, we will write you back to let you know that we have received
     your letter and to review the specifics of your new subscription with you.

Individual Subscription Rates
     $10.00 (ten dollars U.S.) for a one-year, two-issue subscription.
     $14.00 (fourteen dollars U.S) for a one-year, two-issue subscription for Non-U.S. subscribers.
Back Issues
     Individual copies of most back issues of Literature and Belief are available for purchase.
     Individual issues cost $5.00 (five dollars US).  To inquire as to the availability of back issues,
     email our production editor, Jane Brady, at
Electronic Subscriptions
     Coming soon.